Solo guitar, arr. in D | ► The score in PDF (2 pages) | ► The sound file (mp4) (no repeates) |
Two guitars, arr. in D | ► The score in PDF (2 pages) | ► The sound file (mp4) (no repeates) |
Two guitars, arr. in C | ► The score in PDF (2 pages) |
Solo guitar, arr. in D | ► The score in PDF (2 pages) | ► The sound file (mp4) (no repeates) |
Solo guitar, arr. in G | ► The score in PDF (2 pages) | ► The sound file (mp4) (no repeates) |
8-string guitar, arr. in G | ► The score in PDF (2 pages) | ► The sound file (mp4) |
Solo guitar, arr. in A | ► The score in PDF (2 pages) | ► The sound file (mp4) |
8-string guitar, arr. in A | ► The score in PDF (2 pages) | ► The sound file (mp4) |
8-string guitar, arr. in C | ► The score in PDF (2 pages) | ► The sound file (mp4) |
Two guitars, arr. in D | ► The score in PDF (2 pages) | ► The sound file (mp4) |
Solo guitar, arr. in A | ► The score in PDF (2 pages) | ► The sound file (mp4) (no repeates) |
Two guitars, arr. in A | ► The score in PDF (3 pages) | ► The sound file (mp4) (no repeates) |
Two guitars, arr. in G | ► The score in PDF (3 pages) | ► The sound file (mp4) (no repeates) |
Solo guitar, arr. in D | ► The score in PDF (2 pages) | ► The sound file (mp4) |
Solo guitar, arr. in C | ► The score in PDF (2 pages) | ► The sound file (mp4) |
Two guitars, arr. in D | ► The score in PDF (2 pages) | ► The sound file (mp4) |
Guitar orchestra, arr. in D | ► The score in PDF (2 pages) | ► The sound file (mp4) |
8-string guitar, arr. in C | ► The score in PDF (2 pages) | ► The sound file (mp4) |