Special symbols in the notation


Most classical guitarists will find their way around in the scores. But, the following list of symbols /signs – with their meaning – may promote full clarity.

 swedish [ spanish ( english )]
 Gradually going from free to rest stroke

angle pointing up, angle pointing down,
str. = stretch,  krymp = shrink
This one wouldn't be obvious whithout the str. mark
The placement of this sign depends on the surrounding, so there is no «pointing left for...» or «pointing right» version

 pivot barre. There is also an upside-down version
 bent barre
 this is a way of showing the original slur (the dashed one)
 vsv the guitar technical one, or - the other way arounde
 indikating that there is no need to lift the 4th finger
 a broken measure. Thus, this is the end of a system.
 The tilde sign + the absence of the right bar-line
 indicats that the measure continues on the nexts system
 in this case, the E on the sixth string is to be dampend with p
aproximatively at the somewhat thicker short vertical line
(unusual) a reference to the original manscript
   {8vb in manuscript}
broken tie
A note that cannot be held for its whole notated value
   {Dashed tie to a smaller note in brackets}
   {Rarely used}
A note that cannot be held for its whole notated value
   {not always indicated}


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